Authorized fund
The statutory fund of the Company is made up of the appraised value of the property and other assets of the transformed state enterprise, divided into equal share in the form of the par value of the Company's share acquired by the shareholders.
The company issued ordinary and preferred registered share with a nominal value of 250 sums each in a non-cash form in the amount of 2,559,453 pieces, including:
- ordinary registered share in the amount of 2,557,377 pieces;
- preferred registered share in the amount of 2076 pieces;
The amount of the authorized capital of the Company is 639,863,250 sums, divided into 2,559,453 share, including:
- the share of JSC "Uzdonmahsulot" - 51%, that is, a total of 326,330,250 sums, divided into 1,305,321 ordinary share;
- the share of individuals and legal entities - 46.37%, that is, a total of 294,778,500 sums, divided into 1,179,114 share (placed);
the share of the labor collective - 2.63%, that is, 16,999,500 sums, was divided into 67,998 shares
The authorized capital of the company may be increased by placing additional share in the manner prescribed by law and this Charter.