
Contacts for suppliers

The main sources of grain supply are local suppliers of raw materials, which are processed in the amount of 100% of the total volume. The superior organization - Joint Stock Company "O'zdonmahsulot" acts as a commodity creditor of the enterprise. Grain from nearby areas is harvested through our own procurement center. The structure of the supplied raw materials includes local grain, which meets the country's strategic task of ensuring grain independence. In this sector of the raw materials market, the enterprise enters into contracts and settles accounts with suppliers on its own, using commodity lending from suppliers.
The supply of raw materials for the production of feed mixtures is carried out at the expense of: own production - bran, grain waste;
- from local resources - these are cereals, meal, phosphate, fodder limestone, grass meal, meat and bone meal, bone meal, flour. Deliveries are carried out under contracts concluded with farms of Yukori Chirchik, Parkent district of Tashkent region, as well as from enterprises of the O'zdonmahsulot JSC system, Jizzakh region. Due to the shortage of individual raw materials, feed mixtures are mainly produced, to a lesser extent, complete mixed fodders. Quality control of all raw materials is carried out by our own specialized laboratories upon acceptance of raw materials

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